I am a UK-based ELT consultant providing consultancy and training services to a range of clients around the world.
I am a UK-based ELT consultant providing consultancy and training services to a range of clients around the world.
Climate action in language education. Activities for low resource classrooms, )with Bilsborough, K, Barber D and Kral, T), British Council, 2022.
50 Ways to be a Greener Teacher, Wayzgoose Press, 2022.
21st Century Skills in the ELT Classroom – A Guide for Teachers, (contributing editor) Garnet Education, 2020. The book is reviewed here https://www.elgazette.com/no-need-to-feel-like-a-dinosaur/
Training the Trainer – A Resource Book for ELT Professionals, (author) Garnet Education, due 2023.
Cengage Learning – secondary ELT course book and teacher book adaption project for the Abu Dhabi Education Council.
Garnet Education - writing a range of academic English support materials for the adult ELT course, C21.
If you have a project in mind please contact me.
Climate Action in Language Education. EL Gazette, June 2021.
Talking to ELT Footprint. IATEFL TEYLT July 2020 (with Katherine Bilsborough, Daniel Barber and Ceri Jones).
ELT Footprint - Steps towards a greener profession. Modern English Teacher, October 2019 (with Katherine Bilsborough).
21st century skills in ELT – a look at some of the challenges. Modern English Teacher, June 2019.
Breaking the silence –using cross cultural awareness to encourage students to talk. Modern English Teacher, January 2016.
Dispatches of a teacher on the front line. EFL Magazine, June 2017.
How to find a job teaching English. EFL Magazine, February 2016.