I am a UK-based ELT consultant providing consultancy and training services to a range of clients around the world.
I am a UK-based ELT consultant providing consultancy and training services to a range of clients around the world.
British Council, Ministry of Education Oman, Ministry of Education Mozambique, Ministry of Education Iraq, Ministry of Education Peru, Ministry of Education Libya, Moroccan Association of Teachers of English, Tunisian Association of Teachers of English, Moldovan Teachers of English Association, Kazakh Association of Teachers of English, Association of Teachers of English in Lebanon.
Saudi Arabia King Saud University, King Abdulaziz University, Taibah University, Tabuk University,Imam Muhammad University, Umm Al-Qura University, Dammam University, Arab Open University
Sudan Arab Open University
Kazakhstan Eastern Kazakhstan State Technical University, Atyrau State University
Russia Peoples Friendship University, Moscow Aviation Institute, Plekhanov University, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Higher School of Economics Moscow
Peru Cesar Vallejo University
Lebanon Notre Dame University
Germany Lake Constance Business School.
Cambridge University Press, Cengage-National Geographic, Garnet Education, Macmillan, Oxford University Press, Pearson.
BNP Paribas, BP, Citibank, Disney, Facebook, Goodrich, JP Morgan, Rolls Royce Aero Engines, Rolls Royce Motor Cars, Shell, Silicon Valley Bank, UK Foreign Office.
A tea seller in Western Sahara, 2016.
The mountains between Iran and Iraq, 2017.
Cooking fish in Iraqi Kurdistan, 2017.
““The workshop content and delivery were both excellent. On behalf of my colleagues, I would like to reiterate our appreciation and acknowledgement of the efforts of the trainer, Mr Graham. He did an awesome job. He did so much in so little time.””