Just for you

A  majority of my clients are either publishers, government organisations or private language schools. Some background of the work I do for each of these client categories can be found below. 

Chinese secondary school teachers, Hong Kong 2017.

Chinese secondary school teachers, Hong Kong 2017.


I work with a number of international ELT publishers on a regular basis around the world.  The services I offer - most of which can now be delivered online - to publishers are:

sponsored conference talks, product-based and non-commercial

product presentations before book adoptions, as part of the sales effort

issue-based seminars and workshops, that are non-product-based but help to raise profile and awareness

post-adoption product orientation and implementation sessions, to help teachers and institutions to integrate and use newly-adopted teaching materials

writing product presentations for implementation by both local teacher trainers and sales teams

delivery of webinars

writing guest blogs.

A short course for Mozambican teachers, Maputo 2014.

A short course for Mozambican teachers, Maputo 2014.

Ministries of Education

My work with ministries of education is often in partnership with an organisation such as the British Council.  The services that I can provide include these areas:

teacher development courses on agreed key topics, determined by a needs analysis

trainer training for new teacher trainers, supervisors or inspectors

education management professional development, for newly-promoted teachers

orientation to new syllabus and course materials

curriculum reform and development

materials development.

PASE , Warsaw 2017. Photo by Małgorzata Warmińska.

PASE , Warsaw 2017. Photo by Małgorzata Warmińska.

Private Language Schools

My services for private language schools are designed to encourage teachers to enhance the learning experience for the students. They include:

teacher development workshops

coaching and mentoring of individuals or of teaching teams

trainer training for directors of studies or others required to deliver CPD to colleagues

syllabus and course material review and assessment.

“The teachers were all enthusiastic about the two days which were useful but enjoyable. The problem is going to be to persuade the teachers not to try to put all the ideas into practice in a single lesson!”
— Private language school owner, Italy.